disability day 2019 Pakistan, interview-Sumera Hamza (polio victim) broke the myth that, "disability means you cannot support your family".
Sumera Hamza ( born in Haripur hazara kpk, Pakistan. When she was 1 she got polio attack on her right leg and foot. Today, in picture she is sitting in her office room plus she is about to get her PhD degree. She broke the myth that, "disability means you cannot support your family". She wants to serve Pakistan in the field of research and wants be a role model for others. Her journey of life is full of goosebumps. Goosebumps part 1: (her walking struggles) Inability of walking is associated with the word 'polio'. Right? But....here, the reality is that walking occupy a major portion of her daily life. She walks when she has to take university classes. Sumera live in hostel, so she does all her work on her own (from getting ready for office to doing grocery shopping). Her office is on walking distance so, she walks for it daily. Further she travels alone when she goes back to her home. But..her walking struggles is not that simple as it se...